I normally try to have some sort of story to go along with a beer review, but I’ve been super busy at work and haven’t been getting out much so we’ll just go with a bland boring old beer review.
A while ago one of my buddies dropped off a couple of six packs from Eddyline Brewing. They are awesome for several reasons: first, they are cans; second, they are 16 ounces; third, they are actually six packs not four packs as you often see for craft brewed 16 ounce cans; fourth, the cans are rad; and fifth, they are brewed in Buena Vista, CO, a spot not known for breweries.
I will caveat this review with a reminder that in general I don’t love Pale Ales or IPAs. Today I am reviewing the Pale Ale, but sometime soon I will be reviewing the Crank Yanker IPA.
Appearance: Clear gold/yellow with tons of bubbles. Thick creamy head that continued to build well after the pour and popped out of the glass. Good retention and lots of lacing.
Smell: Smells strongly of citrus and pine. Slightly grassy.
Taste/Mouthfeel: Strong floral notes to start with a clean slightly watery middle and dry finish. Very slight hop aftertaste. Smooth. Don’t notice the booze at all, even at a respectable 6% ABV.
Overall: Darn good. I’m not a huge Pale Ale guy, but I like this beer. It’s local, it’s tasty and it’s really good on a hot day. A little bitter for my taste, but definitely not over hopped. I must say that I enjoyed the whole six pack!
Stats:ABV: 6%
IBU: 50
Hops: Magnum, Cascade, Amarillo, El Dorado
Brewery: Eddyline Brewing, Buena Vista, CO