I am trying to get back into reviewing a beer a week, so last weekend I stopped by the liquor store and picked up the first beer that caught my eye – Kannah Creek Brewing Company Lands End Amber Ale. They describe this as a German-Style Altbier that balances specialty malts and three different types of hops.
However they describe it, the Lands End Amber Ale is a nice beer. Not unbelievable, but fairly tasty. I brought these out for a couple of days on the Gunnison and they were perfect for kicking back while the boy ate some food or played on his blanket.
The Kannah Creek Brewery is over in Grand Junction and I’ll be sure to stop by there the next time I swing through town. Check out the label pics below – these guys are clearly having fun in the outdoors, and I can definitely get behind a company with that type of culture.
Appearance: Clear amber with lots of bubbles. Huge foamy head, cream colored, erupted out of the top of the glass a bit. Thick lacing down the glass as you drink.
Smell: Sweet and clean, floral hints, not very aromatic.
Taste/Mouthfeel: Malty up front with a very round sweet middle. Has a hoppy dry finish.
Overall: Good. Not my favorite beer ever, but I’m glad I picked it up. Drinkable and balanced definitely worth trying, especially if you are a fan of Ambers.
ABV: 5.5%
IBU: 28
Brewery: Kannah Creek Brewery, Grand Junction, CO